HOLBROOKE, George Otis. 20.8.1850 — 1921. U.S. Methodist Missionary in South India. Son of John George H. and Marian Marshall. Educated in Boston. Worked in machinery, but after an accident taking his right hand became missionary in Vikarabad, Telangana. Later returned to the U.S.A. and apparently taught at Trinity College in Hartford, CT. According to Meillet (BSL 17, 1911, 35) his only work mentioned below is just worthless speculation.
Publications: Âryan word-building. 12+442 p. N.Y. 1910.
– Wrote on Latin literature and a volume of poetry, translations from Latin.
Sources: Stray notes in Kingsbury, Marshall Family Record. 1913 (in archive.org) and elsewhere in Internet.
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