HOLTZMANN, Adolf (der jüngere). Karlsruhe 20.12.1838 — Freiburg i. B. 17.2.1914. German Indologist. Professor in Freiburg i. Br. Nephew of —> A. H. d.ä. Son of Karl Julius H. (1804–1877), a minister and Theologian, and Adelheid Sprenger. Studies at Heidelberg under his uncle and at Erlangen under Spiegel. Ph.D. 186? not in Indology. In 1867-97 Gymnasium teacher (professor). From 1885 ao. Professor of Sanskrit and comparative linguistics at Freiburg i. Br., 1890 Honorarprofessor, from 1908 ord. Honorarprofessor there. Bachelor.
From his uncle Holtzmann learned the interest in epic literature. He carried intensive study of the Mahābhārata and in spite of some questionable hypotheses his great monograph became a standard work.
Publications: Agni nach den Vorstellungen des Mahābhārata. 36 p. Strassburg 1878; “Indra nach den Vorstellungen des Mahābhārata”, ZDMG 32, 1878, 290-340; “Die Apsaras nach dem des Mahābhārata”, ZDMG 33, 1879, 631-644; “Der heilige Agastya nach den Erzählungen des Mahābhārata”, ZDMG 34, 1880, 589-596; “Brahman im Mahābhārata”, ZDMG 38, 1884, 167-234.
– Arjuna – ein Beitrag zur Rekonstruktion des Mahābhārata. 69 p. Strassburg 1879.
– Grammatisches aus dem Mahābhārata. Ein Anhang zu W. D. Whitney’s Indischer Grammatik. 2+252 p. Lp. 1884.
– Das Mahābhārata und seine Teile. 1-4. 196+298+???+245 p. Kiel 1892-95.
Sources: Stache-Rosen 1990, 37; F. Wilhelm, N.D.B. 9, 1972, 559f.; briefly D.B.E. 5, 1997, 157; briefly in German Wikipedia; photo in http://digibib.ub.uni-giessen.de/cgi-bin/populo/bld.pl?x=u&t_show=x&wertreg=PER&wert=holtzmann.
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