GUERREIRO, Fernão. Almodôvar 1550? — 1617. S.J. Father. Portuguese Jesuit Historian. Studied at Evora. For a while Rector in Funchal, Madeira, then in Bragança and Evora, finally Superior of the Jesuit congregation in Lisbon. His Relaçam continued Luis de Guzman’s account of the Jesuit mission in China and Japan (1601), but also comprised South-East Asia, Africa and especially Mughal India.

Publications: Relaçam annal das cousas que fizeram os padres da Companhia de Jesus nas partes da India Oriental. Several parts covering years 1600-09, from these Jahangir and the Jesuits, with an account of the travels of Benedict Goes and the mission to Pegu, from the Relations of Father Fernão Guerreiro, S.J. Transl. by Ch. H. Payne. 29+287 p. Broadway travelers. L. 1930. The original was printed in five parts in Lisbon, 1603-11, and republished in 3 vols. in Lisbon, 1930-40.

Sources: *Sommervogel 3; German Wikipedia briefly; stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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