HOPPE, Max (Anagārika Dharmapāla). 24.4.1907 — 1992. German Bauddha. Son of a post master. Interrupted studies of theology, wished by his parents, tried his luck in business with meagre success. Became interested in Schopenhauer, then in 1936 in Grimm’s Buddhism. Joined the Altbuddhistische Gemeinde and became Grimm’s pupil. During the war he was forced to work in radio and telegraph service. After the war settled down in Utting and soon became leader of the Altbuddhistische Gemeinde, together with Maya Keller-Grimm.
Publications: With M. Keller-Grimm editor of the journal Yāna.
– With M. Keller-Grimm: Im Lichte des Meisters. Die Lehre des Buddha in Frage und Antwort. 196 p. 1970.
– Edited with M. Keller-Grimm: G. Grimm: Die Lehre des Buddha: die Religion des Vernunft und der Meditation. 519 p. 20th ed. Freiburg 1988.
– Buddha. Seine Lehre und sein Weg. Texte aus dem Pali-Kanon. 80 p. Große Erzähler der Menschheit 3. Bühl-Baden n.d. (c. 1955).
Sources: Peiris, Buddhism 131f.; photo in Payer, Materialien.
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