HAY, Stephen N. Philadelphia 4.10.1925 — Santa Barbara 25.3.2001. U.S. Historian. Educated at Deep Springs and Haverford Colleges, 1942-1944. In 1944-46 army service. Then studies at London School of Economics, 1946-47, and Harvard. B.A. 1951 Swarthmore College, M.A. 1953 Harvard, Ph.D. 1957 Harvard. In 1956-64 Instructor to Assistant Professor of History at University of Chicago. In 1964-66 Research Associate and Tutor at Harvard. In 1966-91 Associate Professor to Professor of History at University of California in Santa Barbara. Married 1954 Eloise Knapp (d. 1996), one daughter and one son, then Elizabeth White.
Publications: With W. de Bary, R. Weiler & A Yarrow: Sources of Indian Tradition. 27+961 p. N.Y. 1958; articles and reviews.
– Edited: Dialogue between a Theist and an Idolater (Brahma-pauttalik samvad): An 1820 Tract probably by Rammohun Roy. 1964.
– Asian Ideas of East and West: Tagore and His Critics in Japan, China, and India. 18+480 p. Cambridge, MA 1970.
– Also wrote on South-East Asia.
Sources: https://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/ft1779n7gn/.
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