HULTZSCH, Eugen Julius Theodor. Dresden 29.3.1857 — Halle 16.1.1927. German Indologist and Epigraphist. Twenty years in India, then Professor in Halle. Son of Theodor H., a businessman, and Anna Greif, nephew of philologist Friedrich H. Educated in Dresden, from 1874 studied classical and Oriental languages (Sanskrit, Persian and Arabic) at Leipzig (Brockhaus, Curtius, Fleischer, Hübschmann, Loth, Ritschl, Windisch & Zarncke), one year also at Bonn (Aufrecht, Gildemeister & Prym). Ph.D. 1879 Leipzig. In 1881 in London, from 1882 PD at Vienna, where Bühler had become Professor in 1881. With help of a small inheritance travelled six months in 1884-85 in North India and brought a number of manuscripts to Vienna. In 1886-1903 Epigraphist of the Government of Madras and Examiner of Sanskrit at Madras University. Lived first in Bangalore, from 1896 in Ootacamund, travelled much. From 1898 in Europe on furlough of two years. In 1903 succeeded Pischel as Professor of Sanskrit at Halle, taught there until his death, but had no successor. From April 1926 seriously ill. Married 1887 in Bangalore Margarethe Künzel, two sons and two daughters.

Hultzsch was a philologist, numismatician and epigraphist. The latter field he started in Vienna, prompted by Bühler. In India he learned Dravidian languages (Tamil, Telugu, Kannaḍa) and in his advanced years Turkish. His other special interests included Kāvya and Indian logic. He studied long time Kalhaṇa and planned an edition, which was then achieved by Stein. He was a textual critic and translator of Sanskrit literature.

Publications: Diss. Prolegomena zu des Vasantarâja Çâkuna nebst Textproben. 88 p. Leipzig 1879.

Edited: Baudhāyanadharmasūtra. 184 p. A.K.M. 8:4. Lp. 1884; rev. 2nd ed., without the critical notes. 179 p. A.K.M. 16:2. LP. 1922.

– “Ueber eine Sammlung indischer Handschriften und Inschriften”, ZDMG 40, 1886, 1-80.

Progress Reports (1887-1891) and Annual Reports (1892-98, 1901-03) of the Government Epigraphist of Madras; Reports on Sanskrit Manuscripts from Southern India. 1-3. Madras 1895-1905.

A number of articles on epigraphy in EI and IA; e.g. “Bharaut Inscriptions”, IA 21, 1892, 225-242.

– “Extracts from Kalhana’s Rajatarangini”, IA 18, 1889, 65-73, 97-108, 300-309; “Kritische Bemerkungen zur Rājataraṅgiṇī”, ZDMG 69, 1915, 129-167, 271-282 (and IA 1913).

South Indian Inscriptions. 1-3. Madras 1890-1903.

Edited Epigraphia Indica 1 & 3-9, 1892, 1894-1907.

Edited the inscribed drama Pārijātamañjarī in Ep. Ind. 8, 1905-06, 96-122 and sep. Lp. 1906.

Translated: Annambhaṭṭas Tarkasaṁgraha. Ein Kompendium der Dialektik und Atomistik, mit des Verfassers eigenem Kommentar, genannt Dîpikâ. 57 p. A.G.G.W. N.F. 9. B. 1907; “Die Tarkakaumudī des Laugākshi Bhāskara”, ZDMG 61, 1907, 763-802; “Die Kārikāvalī des Viśvanātha”, ZDMG 74, 1920, 145-159.

Edited:  Parimala, a commentary to Madana’s Pārijātamañjarī by Lakṣmaṇa Sūri. 19 p. Lp. 1907; Prākṛitarūpāvatāra, a Prakrit Grammar based on the Vālmīkisūtra by Siṁharāja. 15+120 p. L. 1909; Kalidasa: Meghaduta, with Commentary of Vallabhadeva. 19+113 p. Prize Publ. Fund. L. 1911 (with supplementary notes in JRAS 1912, 734-736).

– “Aśoka Notes”, JRAS 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914; ZDMG 1916.

Critical notes on Aśvaghoṣa’s Buddhacarita (ZDMG 72, 1918, 145-154) and Saundarananda (ZDMG 72, 1918, 111-144; 73, 1919, 229-232; 74, 1920, 293-295).

Inscriptions of Aśoka. 391 p. 57 pl. Corpus Inscr. Indicarum 1. Oxford 1925.

Translated: Māgha’s Śiśupālavadha. Nach den Kommentaren des Vallabhadēva und Mallināthasūri. 7+249 p. Lp. 1926.

Numerous articles on epigraphy, numismatics, literature, etc. in ZDMG, IA, JASB, JRAS, NGGW, MJLS, Ep. Ind., etc.

Sources: Bihl 52f.; Buckland, Dictionary; J. Hertel, ZDMG 82, 1928, 49-67 with bibliography; K.L. Janert, N.D.B. 10, 1974, 31f.; Sten Konow, JRAS 1927, 646-648; Stache-Rosen 1990, 136f.; *IHQ 3, 1927, 666f.; Wikipedia with photo; photo in Rau 72, another in Indology in G.D.R., third in Sardesai.

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