HUME, Robert Ernest

HUME, Robert Ernest. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra 20.3.1877 — New York 4.1.1948. Rev. U.S. Missionary and Scholar of Religion. Professor in New York. Born in India as the son of missionary parents, Rev. Robert Allen Hume (1847–1929) and Abigail (Abbie) Lyon Burgess (d. 1881). Also his grandfather had been missionary in India. Studies at Yale: B.A. 1898, M.A. 1900, Ph.D. 1901. Further studies at Union Theological Seminary (B.D. 1904) and Göttingen. Ordained priest 1905. After marriage in 1907 left for India as a missionary, also lectured in Indian universities. In 1914-43 Professor of History of Religions at Union Theological Seminary in New York. Emeritus 1943. Hon. Dr.theol. 1932 Strasbourg. Married 1907 Laura Caswell (1878–1962), two sons and one daughter.

Publications: The Thirteen Principal Upanishads. Translated from the Sanskrit with an outline of the philosophy of the Upanishads and an annotated bibliography. 16+ 540 p. L. 1921; 2nd rev. ed. 588 p. L. 1931, 3rd 1934.

The World’s Living Religions, an historical sketch, with special reference to their sacred scriptures and in comparison with Christianity. 8+298 p. N.Y. 1924, 32nd ed. 1946; Treasure-house of the Living Religions, selections from their sacred scriptures. 18+493 p. N.Y. 1932; articles.

Sources: Who Was Who in Am. 2; genealogical pages, esp.; Wikipedia briefly with photo; photo in Sardesai.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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