HUMMEL, Karl. Weiler, Kr. Lindau (Bodensee) 25.4.1902 — Weiler 26.12.1987. German Pharmacist, Botanist and former Student of Indology. Son of Max H., a pharmacist, and Philomena Wachter. After Benedictine Kloster­gymnasium in Augsburg studied Indology at Munich under Geiger. Ph.D. 1925 Munich. Planned a visit to Asia, but as this was not possible, worked in the pharmacy of his parents and now became interested in botany. Continued in pharmacy and studied botany at Tübingen (also Persian under E. Littmann), soon also pharmacy, graduating in 1933. From 1935 Assistant of botany at Tübingen. During the war taught botany and pharmacy and became, 1943, but being a Catholic and not member of NSDAP could not advance in his career. After father’s death in 1947 took the family pharmacy, but left its management to his brother and himself taught again at the university (until 1968) and was in 1946/47-1976 Director of the University Botanical Institute in Hechingen. Married 1935 Eugenie Haslach (1906–2000), two daughters and two sons. He kept his Oriental interests, especially on Iran, and attracted many Iranian students of botany to Tübingen. He wanted to develop Persian nomenclature of plants and was in 1975-76 visiting Professor at Tehran University.

Publications: Diss. Die relative Chronologie der alten Prosa-Upanischaden. Manuscript of 104 p. 1925.

Many botanical and pharmaceutical publications.

Sources: Diss. in Janert; German Wikipedia.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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