HERMES, Gertrud

HERMES, Gertrud Antonie. Berlin 1872 — Berlin 1942. German Teacher and Leftist Pedagog. Daughter of Oberkonsistorialrat Ottomar Hermes (1826–1893). In 1900-08 taught at a girls’ school in Berlin. After serious illness worked in a trade union, then 1912-14 attended  Max Schering’s economic seminar. From 1921 taught at labour institutions for women in Leipzig, then also founded several residential Volkshochschul units. In the 1930s her writings were soon forbidden by Nazis and it was then that she turned to historical studies.

Publications: Pedagogic writings in the 1920s.

– “Das gezähmte Pferd im neolithischen und frühbronzezeitlichen Europa?”, Anthropos 30, 1935, 803-823 & 31, 1936, 115-129; “Das gezähmte Pferd im alten Orient”, Anthropos 31, 1936, 364-394; “Der Zug des gezähmten Pferdes durch Europa”, Anthropos 32, 1937, 10-146.

– “Zur Soziologie der Lehre Zarathustras”, Anthropos 33, 1938, 181-194, 424-444.

Sources: *D. Flaig: G.H.: Leben und Werk einer Erwachsenenbildnerin. Oldenburg 1998; German Wikipedia. When I began tracing of the authoress of Anthropos articles I dismissed her as very unlikely, but ascribed them to her. Now this is also confirmed by R. Drews, Militarism and the Indo-Europeanizing of Europe. L. 2017, 129 (note 54).

Last Updated on 4 months by Admin


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