HUNTER, Robert

HUNTER, Robert. Newburgh, Fife 3.9.1823 — Loughton, Essex 25.2.1897. British (Scottish) Missionary in India. Son of John Mackenzie H. and Agnes Strickland, educated in Aberdeen. Studies at Aberdeen University, classics and natural science, then theology at Edinburgh. As a tutor in the Bermudas (c. 1845) collected corals. He “was licensed as Precentor of the free Church of Scotland, in 1846 joined Stephen Hislop at the Free Church mission at Nagpur; performed educational and missionary work for nine years, returned home in 1855 because of health problems. Made discoveries in geology, devoted himself to literary and evangelistical work… Fellow of learned Societies.” Hon. LL.D. Aberdeen 1883.

Publications: History of India: From the Earliest Ages to the Fall of the East India Company and the Proclamation of Queen Victoria in 1858. 282 p. L. 1863.

History of the Missions of the Free Church of Scotland in India and Africa. 387 p. L. 1873.

Edited (with others) Encyclopaædic Dictionary. 1-7. L. 1879-88 (the largest English dictionary of its time); articles on geology.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; *W.H. Elliot & C.C. Pond, The Life of R.H. Loughton 1997; Oxford D.N.B.; Wikipedia.

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