HUGHES, George A.

HUGHES, George Arthur. 17?? — 26.2.1835 (when about 65). Britishman in India. Son of Robert Hughes of Madras Civil Service, educated in Cambridge by his uncle, Dr. Hughes, the Pricipal of Jesus College. Returned to India he served first as clerk to the resident of Travancore, then under S. R. Lushington. From 1799 “Malabar and Gentoo interpreter” (i.e. of Malayālam and Telugu) of Colonel Bannerman, then under others until 1809. Now turned to business, collaborating with Charles W. Young and after his death in charge of the coffee, indigo and cotton cultivation in Tinnevelly (Tirunelveli). Continued this way with varying success until his death. Unmarried, several children with local mistresses.

Publications: “Narrative of the last Outbreak and final Subjugation of the Southern Poligars”, MJLS 13:2, 1844-45, 17-35.

Sources: Note prefixed to his Narrative, also quoted in Caldwell’s History of Tinnevelly. 1881, 194; J.J. Cotton, List of Inscriptions on Tombs or Monuments in Madras. 2. Madras 1946, 265.

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