JELLINGHAUS, Theodor. Šlissel’burg (Schlüsselburg) near St.Petersburg 21.6.1841 — Berlin 4.10.1913. German Missionary in India. Born in Russia, son of a Pietist Minister. Gymnasium in Gütersloh, matriculated 1861. After theology studies he was missionary of Gossner Mission in Chota Nagpur, India 1866-70. Then minister in Rädnitz and from 1881 in Gütergotz near Potsdam. He was one of the leaders of German Heiligungsbewegung. After early retirement in 1894 living in Berlin.

Publications: “Sagen, Sitten und Gebräuche der Munda-Kolhs in Chota Nagpore”, ZfEthnol. 3, 1871, 326-337, 365-380; “Die Sage der Munda-Kolhs in Ostindien über die Vernichtung der übermüthigen Asurs durch Singbonga’s (Gottes) Sohn”, ZfEthnol. 4, 1872, 257-267.

– “Kurze Beschreibung der Sprache der Munda Kolhs in Chota Nagpore besonders nach ihren den Volksstamm charakterisirenden Eigenthümlichkeiten”, ZfEthnol. 5, 1873, 170-179.

– Die deutsche Kolhsmission. 16 p. B. 1873; religious writings.

Sources: *K. Arnold, Full and Present Salvation in Christ: Life and Work of Th.J. 2018; German Wikipedia.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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