JUNGMANN, Josef  Jakub. Hudlice, Beroun district, Bohemia 16.7.1773 — Prague 14.11.1847. Czech Linguist and Poet, one of the Leaders of Czech National Revival. Son of a German father, Thomas Simon J., and Czech mother, Kateřina Jungmannová, brother of —> A. J. Jungmann. After school in Prague studied from 1795 literature and from 1799 law at Prague. Worked as teacher in Litoměřice 1799-1815 and then in Prague. Ph.D. 1817, from now on also taught at university. Married Johanna Světecká z Černčic, three daughters and two sons. Like his brother he became interested in Sanskrit and Old Indian literature.

Publications: Wrote on Czech language and literature; translated European classics (Chateaubriand, Goethe, Schiller, Milton); own poetry.

– “Krátký přehled prozodie a metriky indické; podle Hen. Thom. Colebrooka v Asiatic Researches, vol. X”, Krok 1:1, 1821, 33-64, 100; “Čtyři sprostní bramíni. Z indického. Viz Indische Bibliothek von A. W. von Schlegel, Bonn 1826, Band 2, Heft 3”, Časopis Společnosti vlasteneckého museum v Čechách 2, 1828, 71-83.

Sources: Kdo Byl Kdo: Čeští a slovenští orientalisté, afrikanisté a iberoamerikanisté; geni.com; Wikipedia with portrait.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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