KAL’JANOV, Vladimir Ivanovič

KAL’JANOV, Vladimir Ivanovič. Manguša (village) Mariupol’skogo uezda Ekaterinoslavskoj gub. (Peršotravnevoe village Donskoj obl., now Manguš in Ukraine) 21.7.(3.8.)1908 — St.Petersburg 17.3.2001. Russian (Ukrainian?) Indologist. Son of a worker. Graduated 1932 from Leningrad Institut istorii, filologii i lingvistiki, student of Ščerbackoj and Barannikov. Kand. filol. nauk 1941. In 1935-37 naučnyj sotrudnik at NIANKP (?), from 1937 at Institut vostokovedenija of Academy of Science in Leningrad, staršij naučnyj sotr. from 1943, Docent 1947, Head of Indian Cabinet 1968. In 1938-41 and 1944-59 taught at Leningrad Univer­sity, in 1941-42 in war service. Dr. filol. nauk. Professor. Retired 1985.

Kal’janov was a well-known specialist of Sanskrit literature, but he was also much involved in Soviet politics and watching his colleagues and therefore rather disliked.

Publications: At least 60 items, e.g.:

– Kand.diss. Složnye slova v sanskrite. 220 p. Lg. 1941; summary: “Klassifikacija složnyh slov v sanskrite”, Izvestija AN SSSR, Otdelenie literatury i jazyka 6:1, 1947, 77-84.

– “Arthašastra – politiko-èkonomičeskij traktat drevnej Indii”, VDI 1939:2, 95-101; “O datirovke Arthašastry”, VDI 1953:3, 196-208; “O vremeni coctavlenija ‘Arthašastry / Dating the Arthasastra”, Doklad sovetskoj delegacii… Sekcija indovedenija / Papers presented by the Soviet Delegation at the XXIII Intern. Congress of Orientalists: Indian Studies. M. 1954, 23-53 (long after Maurya period).

– Translated: Mahabharata. 1. Adiparva. 738 p. M.-Lg. 1950, 2. Sabhaparva ili Kniga o sobranii. 253 p. M.–Lg. 1962; 4. Virataparva ili Kniga o Virate. 212 p. Lg. 1967; 7. Droṇaparva. 1992.

– Translated: Arthašastra ili nauka politiki. 793 p. M.-Lg. 1959.

– Translated with V. G. Èrman: Kalidasa. Očerk tvorčestva. 72 p. M. 1958.

– “Sredstva vyraženija prošedšego vremeni v èpičeskom sanskrite”, Učenye zapiski Inst. Vostokov. 12, 1958, 5-62.

– “Ob ètimologičeskom tolkovanii terminov Varna i Jāti”, Istorija i kul’tura drevnej Indii. M. 1963, 162-173.

– “On Kṛṣṇa’s diplomatics in the Mahābhārata”, IT 7, 1979, 299-308.

Sources: Miliband 1977 & 1996; oral information by Russian colleagues; Russian Vikipedija with photo.

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