KÓS, Péter

KÓS, Péter (born Leó Raab, from 1939 Lev Konduktorov). Moscow 15.8.1921 — 1994. Hungarian Chemist, Diplomat and Communist Activist. Graduated as chemical engineer. From 1949 in Hungarian Foreign Ministry, 1954-56 Ambassador in New Delhi, then in Washington. In October 1956 dismissed as Soviet citizen and agent, but reinstated in November. In 1967-73 again Ambassador in New Delhi. Later Ambassador in Tokyo, retired 1983. Then senior researcher at Hungarian Institute of Foreign Affairs until the 1989 change of regime. In Delhi he learned Hindi and began collecting material for the dictionary.

Publications: Magyar-hindí szótár. 12+240 p. Budapest 1973 (Hungarian-Hindī dictionary).

– A book in Hungarian about India’s role in international politics: India Nemzetközi helyzete és külpolitikai törekvései. 101 p. Bp. 1975.

Sources: https://hungary-1956.fandom.com/wiki/Péter_Kós.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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