KOSSINNA, Gustaf. Tilsit, Ostpreussen (now Sovetsk in Russia) 28.9.1858 — Berlin 20.12.1931. German Archaeologist. Professor in Berlin. Son of a secondary-school teacher, Hermann K., and Natalie Genzmer. After gymnasium in Tilsit studied classics and Germanic philology at Göttingen, Leipzig, Berlin and Strassburg. Ph.D. 1887 Strassburg. In 1887-92 librarian in  Halle, Bonn and Berlin. From 1902 ao. Professor of German Archaeology at Berlin. Married 1889 Katharina van Hauten (d. 1905), one son, and 1906 Margarete Goldsche, one daughter.In his studies he mainly concentrated on Germanic past. Excavations he conducted only once, in 1915. He was antisemitist and early supporter of Nazis. After war prehistorians have mainly rejected his ideas.

Publications: “Die indogermanische Frage archäologisch beantwortet”, ZfEthnol. 34, 1902, 161-222; Die Indogermanen, ein Abriss. 1. Das indogermanische Urvolk. 79 p. Lp. 1921.

– Much on German prehistory.

Sources: H. Jankuhn, N.D.B. 12, 1980, 617-619; Wikipedia with photo and two portraits (more in German version, also with further references).

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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