KAHLO, Gerhard

KAHLO, Gerhard. Magdeburg 29.12.1893 — Cottbus 18.7.1974. German (East) Linguist, Anthropologist and Author. Son of Martin K., a teacher, and Clara Möhring. After school in Magdeburg studies of Classics, Germanistics, history and philosophy at Göttingen and Jena. Ph.D. 1919 Jena, after war service. After studies worked as gymnasium teacher, had difficulties in the Nazi period. He joined leftist political move­ment as a student, in 1945 joined the KPD. From 1953 Professor of Volkskunde at Humboldt University in Berlin, soon moved to Leipzig. Retired 1963. Married Maria Claus, one son.

Publications: “Randbemerkungen zu Vātsyāyana und seinen Nachfolgern”, AION 16, 1966, 251-267.

Wrote much on Indonesia (i.al. grammar and dictionary), also on Germanistics and German Volkskunde, and on languages.

Own literary output: novels, short stories, children’s stories, poetry, drama, translations.

Sources: *E. Taube & H. Herrfurth, Biographie G.K. 1893–1974. Abh. staatl. Museums for Volkskunde Dresden 37. Dresden 1979; Magdeburger biogr. Lexikon with photo (www15.ovgu.de); German Wikipedia; family details in ancestry.com.

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