LYTTELTON-ANNESLEY, Arthur (until 1844 A. McLeod). Dublin 2.9.1837 — 16.2.1926. Sir. British Colonial Officer in India. Lieutenant-General. Born in Ireland of English parents, Arthur Lyttelton McLeod (from 1844 Annesley) and Mary Bradley. Educated at Harrow. Joined army in 1854 and participated in Crimean War. In 1866-77 and 1878-88 served in India, finally as Adjutant-General of Bombay Army from 1883. Back in the U.K. in 1888-93 Commander-in-Chief of Scotland, then retired. In 1896-1902 Colonel of the 12th (Prince of Wales’s Royal) Lancers, 1902-26 Colonel of the 11th Hussars. K.C.B. 1923. Unmarried.

Publications: “Erzählungen im Astor-Thal, Kashmir”, ZfEthnol. 7, 1875, 399-400.

Sources: R.C. MacLeod, The MacLeods. A short sketch of their Clan, History, Folk-Lore, Tales. Edinburgh 1906, 114-116;Wikipedia.

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