KEAY, Frank Ernest

KEAY, Frank Ernest. Richmond-on-Thames, Surrey 1879 — Knutsford, Cheshire 28.12.1974. Rev. British Anglican Missionary in India. Son of John Oliver Keay, a grocer, alderman and JP, and Naomi Barrat. Studies in London (B.A. 1900). Started in civil service, but in 1906 joined the Church Missionary Society. Now theological education in Islington. Ordained Deacon 1908, priest 1910. Teacher’s diploma 1916, M.A. 1917 and D.Litt. 1922, all from University of London. From 1908 worked in Jabalpur, interrupted by study leave 1915-19. After a furlough in England located in Meerut 1922 as Principal at Talghari Boys’ School. Back in England he was rector of Burslem in 1928, at Burton Fleming in Yorkshire in 1929 and then, in 1931, as chaplain to the British residents of Amsterdam. In 1937-38 again in India, in Nagpur, then rector of Holton with Bratton in Somerset and in 1939-41 chaplain to the English congregation in Vienna. In 1941-44 priest to the Bishop Cotton School in Simla, then on two years’ mission in the diocese of Bhagalpur. In 1946-48 lived in Gothenburg, Sweden, 1948-50 in Vevey in Switzerland, 1950-54 Minister of Botus Fleming in Cornwall. After the death of his wife retired in Bournemouth, where he soon married again. Again visited India and then lived in retirement in Worthing and then Knutsford. Married 1911 Alice Asta Celestine Amalia von Schmiedeseck (d. 1954), a German missionary, then Vera Nowell (1901-1973).

Publications: M.A. thesis: Ancient Indian education; an inquiry into its origin, development, and ideals. 191 p. L. 1918.

A History of Hindi Literature. 8+116 p. Heritage of India Ser. Oxford & Calc. 1920.

Kabir and his followers. 8+186 p. Calcutta 1931.

A history of the Syrian Church in India. 5+124 p. L. 1938.

Indian education in ancient and later times. 204 p. L. 1938.

Sources: (of Univer­sity of Birmingham);

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