MANN, Stuart E

MANN, Stuart Edward (Stewart E. Mann). Nottingham 11.6.1905 — High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire 5.8.1986. British Linguist. Son of Oliver Mann and Mabel Constance Anderson. Studies at Bristol, graduated 1927. In 1929-31 in Tirana, then teaching English in Brno. In 1947-72 taught Czech and Albanian at School of Slavonic and East European Studies (University of London). Married in Brno Helen Pauserova (1914–1993).

Publications: “The Cradle of the ‘Indo-Europeans’; Linguistic Evidence”, Man 43, 1943, 74-85.

– An Indo-European Comparative Dictionary. 14+1682 col. Hamburg 1984-87.

– Also wrote on Czech, Albanian, and Armenian.

Sources: German Wikipedia;

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