MARCEL-DUBOIS, Claudie. Tours 19.1.1913 — Paris 1.2.1989. French Pianist and Ethnomusicologist. Studies at Conservatoire national supérieur de musique. In the 1930s also studied anthropology under M. Mauss and P. Masson-Oursel. From 1934 she worked in the Music department of Musée d’ethnographie de Trocadéro. Also taught ethnomusicology at É.H.S.S.

Publications: “Notes sur les instruments de musique figurés dans l’art plastique de l’Inde ancienne”, RAA 11, 1937, 36-49; Instruments de musique de l’Inde ancienne. 7+259 p. 56 pl.  P. 1941 (ill. by J. Auboyer).

– Much on French and European ethnomusicology.

Sources: *J. Cheyronnaud & J. Cuisenier, Ethnologie française 19, 1989, 325-328; Wikipedia (see also French version).

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