MEINHARD, Heinrich

MEINHARD, Heinrich. 1900 — 1975. German Anthropologist and former Student of Indology in the U.K. Ph.D. 1928 Bonn under Kirfel, but then turned to anthropology. Curator of Indian civilisation in Berlin Ethnographic Museum. To save his Jewish wife he escaped 1937 to the U.K. and worked in Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford in 1938-47 cataloguing ethnographic collections. Ethnographic fieldwork in East Africa. From 1950 Reader of Anthropology at Durham University, until retirement. Published very little.

Listing holocaust survivots and victims mentions one H.M. born in Berlin 10.4.1900 and another, Hermann H. M. born in 29.11.1900, but nothing about their career or end.

Publications: Diss. “Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Śivaismus nach den Purāṇa’s”, Baessler-Archiv 12, 1928, 1-45.

– “The Javanese wayang and its Indian prototype”, Man 39, 1939, 109-111; “The problem of the killing of the divine king in India”, Man 40, 1940, 11f.

– “The Patrilineal Principle in Early Teutonic Kinship”, Studies in Social Anthropology: Essays in Memory of E. E. Evans-Pritchard. Oxford 1975, 1-29.

– Wine books.

Sources: Diss. in Janert; *J.H.M. Beattie, Man 17, 1982, 558; p. 20f. (= P. Sillitoe, “Durham anthropology: a provincial history of a provisional discipline”, History and anthropology 29, 2018, 233-274).

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