MEZGER, Fritz. Ilsfeld bei Heilbronn 15.10.1893 — King of Prussia near Philadelphia, PA 9.6.1979. German Linguist in the U.S.A. Matriculated 1911, then studies of modern philology and comparative IE at Tübingen. Participated in WW I, wounded. Continued his studies at Munich and Berlin. Ph.D. 1921 Berlin (diss. on Old English). In the 1920s emigrated to the U.S.A. (details unknown), from 1928 Professor at Bryn Mawr, until emeritus.

Publications: Much on comparative Germanistics, but also on Hittite.

– “Some Indo-European Formatives”, Word 2, 1946, 229-240; “IE se-, swe-, and Derivatives”, Word 4, 1948, 98-105.

Sources: U. Maas in

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