KELLOGG, Samuel Henry. Quoque, Long Island, NY 6.9.1839 — Landour, India (Uttarkhand) 3.5.1899. Rev. U.S. Missionary and Indologist (Hindī scholar) in India. Son of Rev. Samuel K. and Mary P. Henry. Studied at Princeton, graduated in 1861, and in 1864 from Princeton Theological Seminar. D.D. 1877 Princeton. In 1864 ordained as Presbyterian missionary. In 1865-71 missionary in Fatehgarh, in 1873-76 Instructor at Theological Training School in Allahabad, then after his wife’s death in 1877-86 minister in the U.S.A. (first in Pittsburgh, in 1877-85 also Professor of Systematic Theology at Alleghany Theological Seminar in Pennsylvania) and 1886-92 in Toronto. In 1893 he returned to India, living in Landour as a member of the Committee for translating the Old Testament into Hindī, until his death. Married 1864 Antoinette Whiting Hartwell (1838–1876), for second time 1879 Sarah Constance Macrum, eight children.
Kellogg’s great grammar of all dialects and languages then understood under the general name “Hindī” (including Pahari languages, Bihari and Nepali) was a real monument in its time.
Publications: Religious books, e.g. The Light of Asia and the Light of the World. 415 p. L. 1885.
– A Grammar of the Hindi Language, in which are treated the high Hindí, Braj, and the eastern Hindí of the Rámáyan of Tulsí Dás. 18+380 p. Allahabad 1876, 2nd ed. 1893, 3rd ed. with notes on pronunciation by T. Grahame Bailey. 34+584 p. L. 1938.
– A handbook of Comparative Religion. 8+170 p. Philadelphia 1899.
– Brief articles on Hindi in JAOS, etc.; religious books.
Sources: Who Was Who in Am. Historical Volume; Buckland, Dictionary; Wikipedia.
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