ATANACKOVIĆ, Platon (born Pavle Atanacković). Sombor in Vojvodina 10.7.1788 — Novi Sad 21.4.1867. Serbian Orthodox Bishop interested in Linguistics. Born in the then Austro-Hungarian Northern Serbia, became the bishop of Bačka and promoted education in his home country. With the help of the German translation of —> Eichhoff’s works he made a comparison between Serbian and Sanskrit.

Publications: A number of educational books, school grammars of Serbian and German.

– “Srodstvo slavenoserbskog jezika sa sanskritam”, Latopis Matice Srpske 1843 (Affinity of Slavo-Serbian languages and Sanskrit).

Sources: Vyncke 1973, 531; *Enciklopedija Jugoslavije 1, Zagreb 1955, 229, id. liber, new ed. 1, Zagreb 1980, 317;  Wikipedia with portrait.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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