KESARCODI-WATSON, Ian. 1938 — ?.5.1984. Australian (?) Scholar of Indian Religion. Studies at Melbourne, Oxford and McMaster. Ph.D. 1982 Poona. Lecturer in Philosophy at University of Hong Kong c. 1971-75. In 1975-84 Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at La Trobe University in Bundoora, Victoria, Australia. Married.
Publications: Eastern spirituality: godhood of man: essays. 155 p. Delhi 1976.
– “Is Hinduism pantheistic?”, Sophia 15, 1976, 26-36; “Devas”, Religious Studies 12, 1976, 467-472; “Are there real things? Borrowings from Nāgārjuna”, JIPh 5:4, 1978, 371-383; “Hindu Metaphysics and Its Philosophies: Śruti and Darśana”, Intern. Philos. Quart. 18, 1978, 413-432; “An ancient Indian argument for what I am”, JIPh 9, 1981, 259-272; “Samādhi in Patanjali’s Yoga Sūtras”, Philosophy East and West 32, 1982, 77-90; and other articles.
– Studies in Hindu wisdom. 11+136 p. New Delhi 1981.
Sources: *Religions and comparative thought: essays in honour of the late Dr. Ian Kesarcodi-Watson. Ed. by Purusottama Bilimoria and Peter Fenner. 24+459 p. Delhi 1988; briefly in Religious Traditions 6.
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