KIELHORN, Lorenz Franz. Osnabrück 31.5.1840 — Göttingen 19.3.1908. German Indologist. Professor in Pune and Göttingen. Son of Johann Andreas Christian K., a stonemason, and Anna Marie Hildebrandt. After school in Bernburg (Anhalt) studies of Indology, etc. at Göttingen (Benfey), Breslau (Stenzler) and Berlin (Weber). Ph.D. 1861? Leipzig when 21. In 1862-65 further studies at Oxford, where he assisted Monier Williams in his dictionary work. From February 1866 to December 1881 in Bombay Educational Service as Superintendent of Sanskrit Studies at Deccan College, Pune (where he was succeeded by Bhandarkar). Because of failing health he returned to Europe in 1881 and in 1882 became Professor of Sanskrit at Göttingen, where he taught until his death (and was succeeded by Oldenberg). C.I.E. 1886. Hon. LL.DD. Glasgow 1901, D.Litt. Oxford 1902. Geheimer Regierungsrat 1897. Married 1872 Caroline Louise Kanzler.
Kielhorn was a many-sided and famous scholar. In India he soon befriended with Bühler and founded with him the Bombay Sanskrit Series. Together they laid the principles of the manuscript search. Later he succeeded Bühler as the editor of the Grundriss. His first and main speciality was Sanskrit grammar (vyākaraṇa), which he had studied under Pandits, but since 1883 he also developed into an important epigraphist. Among his students were R. O. Franke, Heller, Lüders, H. Meyer and Sieg.
Publications: Edited & transl.: Śântanava’s Phiṭsûtra mit verschiedenen indischen Commentaren. 2+33+60 p. A.K.M. 4:2. Lp. 1866.
– Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgojībhaṭṭa. B.S.S. 2, 7, 9 & 12. Bombay 1868 (edition, 9+129+8 p.), 1874 (transl. 25+537 p.).
– Five manuscript catalogues and one Search report, 1869-84.
– A Grammar of Sanskrit. 15+260 p. Bombay 1870, 4th ed. 1896; Grammatik der Sanskritsprache. Aus dem Engl. übers. von W. Solf. 14+244 p. B. 1888.
– Kâtyâyana and Patañjali: their relation to each other and to Pâṇini. 64 p. Bombay 1876.
– List of the Inscriptions of Northern India from about A.D. 400. Appendix to EI 5, 1898-99, 121 p.; List of the Inscriptions of Southern India from about A.D. 500. Appendix to EI 7, 1902-03, 215 p.; Appendix to the Inscriptions of Northern India and …Southern India. App. to EI 8, 1905, 19+27 p.
– Edited: Pañcatantra. Book 1. 114+54 p. B.S.S. 5. Bombay 18??, 6th ed. 1896 (books 2-5 were earlier ed. by Bühler); Patañjali: Vyākaraṇa Mahābhāṣya. 1-3. 10+547, 23+493, 10+529 p. B.S.S. 18-20. Bombay 1880-85, 2nd ed. Bombay 1892.
– “On the Dates of the Saka Era in Inscriptions”, IA 24, 1895, 1-17, 181-211 & 25, 1896, 266-272, 289-294, and other articles on chronology in IA 1888-96, NGGW 1888-92, etc.
– Bruchstücke indischer Schauspiele in Inschriften zu Ajmere. 6+30 p. 4 pl. B. 1901.
– Numerous articles, reviews and notes, especially on grammatical traditions and epigraphy, in NGGW, GGA, ZDMG, JRAS, IA, EI, etc.; Ausgewählte Kleine Schriften. Hrsg. von W. Rau. 1-2. 23+1105 p. Glasenapp-St. 3. Wb. 1969 (with full bibliography).
Sources: A.B[allini], RSO 2, 1908-09, 505f.; briefly in Buckland, Dictionary; G. Cœdès, BEFEO 8, 1908, 305; J.F. Fleet, JRAS 1908, 959-963; *S. Konow, IA 37, 1908, 113ff.; F. Staal 1985, 102ff.; Stache-Rosen 1990, 89f.; Stache-Weiske 2017, 534; P. Thieme, N.D.B. 11, 1977, 578f.; *J. Wackernagel, NGGW 1908, 63-84; *JA 10:12, 1908, 352; Wikipedia with photo (more details in German version, with another photo); photo in Rau 43.
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