MUIRHEAD-THOMSON, Robert Charles. Kilmaurs, East Ayrshire 2.5.1914 — 4.10.2000. British Entomologist. Son of Rev. John M.-Th. Educated at Edinburgh and Kelvinside Academies. From 1932 studies of botany and zoology at Glasgow, B.Sc. 1936 in Zoology. D.Sc. 1942. Specializing on mosquito biology worked at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and conducted fieldwork in Jamaica, Trinidad, and Western Africa. In 1957-66 worked for the World Health Organisation in India and Zimbabwe and at their headquarters in Geneva.
Publications: Assam Valley. Beliefs and Customs of the Assamese Hindus. 96 p. 16 pl. L. 1948; medico-entomological publications.
Sources: with photo; *M.W. Service. Annals of Tropical Medicine 95, 2001, 857f. &*Antenna 26, 2002, 9-11.
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