KIRSTE, Johann

KIRSTE, Johann Otto Ferdinand. Graz 1.10.1851 — Graz 2.5.1920. Austrian Indologist. Professor in Graz. Son of a ropemaker master Johann Martin K. in a Calvinist family originally coming from Posen, and Antoinette Hieronymus. In 1870-72 studies of classical philology and a little Sanskrit at Graz (under Schenkl). After brief periods at Jena (Delbrück) and Leipzig (Brockhaus) further studies in 1873-74 at Berlin (Weber, Leskien) and 1874-75 at Vienna (F. Müller, Brücke, Miklosich). Ph.D. 1876 Vienna. In 1881-84 further studies of Vedic and Iranian in Paris, then one year Slavic languages in Belgrad. From 1886 PD für vergl. Sprachforschung und Sanskrit at Vienna, from 1892 ao. Professor at Graz, then 1895 tit. ord. Professor and from 1902 ord. Professor für orientalische Philologie at Graz. Married 1888 Anna Kallich (1862–1941), one son. He had suffered of delicate health and died after long illness.

Kirste was a many-sided scholar, who even in his last years was able to open a completely new line of study with the languages of Central Asian fragments. As Professor für orientalische Philologie (at the same time Meringer was Professor für Sanskrit und vergl. Sprachforschung) he taught both Indian and Iranian (including Pehlevi and New Persian) philology and even Arabic. An important part of his research dealt with Sanskrit lexicography.

Publications: Die constitutionellen Verschiedenheiten der Verschlusslaute im Indogermanischen. 84 p. Graz 1881.

– “Études sur les Prātiśākhjas”, MSL 5, 1884, 81-120; “Le gouna inverse”, MSL 8, 1894, 91-103.

Edited: Gṛhyasūtra of Hiraṇyakeśin, with Extracts from the Commentary of Mātṛdatta. 9+177+42 p. Vienna 1889.

Die Aussprache des Visarga. 22 p. SWA 121:15. Vienna 1890; Die alphabetische Einordnung von Anusvāra und Visarga. 24 p. SWA 133:8. Vienna 1896.

– “Kshemendra’s Bhâratamañjarî and the text of the Mahâbhârata”, SWA 127:12, 1892, 27-58; ed. inscriptions in EI 2, 1894, 24-34.

–  With Bühler: Contributions to the history of the Mahâbhârata. 58 p. SWA 127:12. Vienna 1891; Analyse der Citate in Aparârkas Kommentare. D.W.A. 42. 1893.

Edited: Das Uṇādigaṇasūtra des Hemacandra mit dem selbst verfassten Commentare des Autors. 10+242 p. Quellenwerke der altindischen Lexikographie 2. Vienna & Bombay 1895; Epilegomena zu meiner Ausgabe von Hemacandra’s Uṇādigaṇasūtra. 38 p. SWA 132:11, 1895; The Dhātupāṭha of Hemachandra with the author’s own Commentary. 10+288+122+34 p. Sources of the Sanskrit Lexicography 4. Vienna & Bombay 1901.

Orabazes. 80 p. SWA 182:2. 1916.

Kleine Schriften. Ed. by W. Slaje. 13+374 p. Glasenapp-St. 33. St. 1993.

Sources: Bihl 56f.; F. Lochner von Hüttenbach, Graz 1991, 17-19 & N.D.B. 11, 1977, 678f.; *N. Rhodokanakis, Almanach Ö.A.W. 70, 1920, 254-256; M. Zinko, Encyclop. Iranica 2009 (web version) with wedding photo; briefly in Ö.B.L. 1815–1950. 3, 1965, 346 and D.B.E. 5, 1997, 556; photo in Rau 58.

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