PETTIGREW, William. Edinburgh 5.1.1869 — 19.1.1943. Rev. British Missionary in India. Son of a sea captain, lost early his mother, grew up in strict Anglican family. Decided early to become a missionary and completed High School at Ardington Aborigines Mission Training Centre. Arrived in India in 1890 and 1894 joined American Baptist Mission at Ukhrul in Manipur. Ordered by government he concentrated on the head hunting Tangkhul Nagas. He founded schools and achieved many conversions. Also knew Manipuri. Returned to the U.K. in 1933. Married 1896 Alice Goreham (d. 1934) and 1934 Ethel A. Masales (d. 1980), two daughters and two sons with the first.
Publications: Tangkhul Naga Grammar and Dictionary (Ukhrul Dialect), with Illustrative Sentences. 476 p. Shillong 1918.
– New Testament translation (1926), Christian writings, etc. in Tangkhul.
Sources: Wikipedia with two photos.
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