PETRI, Winfried Wilhelm Eduard Emil. Braunschweig 4..9.1914 — 10/11.4.2000.German Historian of Astronomy. Studied mathematics, physics and Oriental languages and worked in various positions, mainly in Berlin. Ph.D. 1943. He was American war prisoner and then went to Munich. Now studied Sanskrit and Tibetan under H. Hoffmann, a new Ph.D. 1966. PD 1967 and 1971 apl. Professor at Munich, in 1977-79 director of the Institute of History of Science.
Publications: Diss. Indo-tibetische Astronomie. Manuscript of 151 p. Munich 1966 (widely distributed as copies).
– Zur altindischen Naturphilosophie Jaina-Text Kundakunda, Pancastikayasara. 20 p. 1978.
– With Z. Yamaguchi & D. Schuch: Contributions to the history of Tibetan mathematics, Tibetan astronomy, Tibetan time calculation (calendar) and Sino-Tibetan divination. 1. 1656 p. 2012.
– Writings on the history of Western astronomy; articles and reviews.
Sources: *Der Himmel hat viele Gesichter: Winfried Petri zum 80. Geburtstag. Munich 1994; Fl. Breitsameter in with photo.
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