KÖNIG, Friedrich Wilhelm. Adlerkosteletz (Kostelic nad Orlici), Bohemia 7.1.1897 — Vienna 5.2.1972. Austrian Historian of Ancient Iran and the Near East. Son of railway officer, educated in Vienna. Voluntary in Russian front 1915-17, lost his left leg and one eye. Now continued his studies of Sanskrit, Iranian and Arabic. Ph.D. 1921 Vienna (diss. on Elamite under Hüsing). From 1923 employed in National Library, Vienna. PD 1931 Vienna, in “Geschichte des alter Vorderasiens”. In 1937 ao. Professor, but soon (1938) no longer allowed to teach because of a Jewish grandparent. In 1939 also forced to retire from the library. In 1945 got back his position in library, from 1948 Hon.Professor. He had big health problems and had to retire in 1951. Left an unpublished translation of the Avesta to Austrian National Library. He must not be confused with Cardinal Franz König (1905–2004), also an Iranian scholar.
Publications: Hab.diss. Der Burgbau zu Susa. 74 p. Mitteilungen der vorderasiatisch-ägyptische Ges. 35:1. Lp. 1930; Älteste Geschichte der Meder und Perser. 66 p. Der Alte Orient 33:3-4. Lp. 1934; Der falsche Bardija. 388 p. Klotho 4. Vienna 1938; other works.
– Die Persika des Ktesias von Knidos. 203 p. Archiv für Orientforschung 18. Graz 1972.
– Further publication on Elamite.
Sources: Bihl 123f.; A. Huber in http://gedenkbuch.univie.ac with photo; *E. Weidner, Almanach Ö.A.W. 122, 1972, 352-355; German Wikipedia.
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