POLE, John

POLE, John. 18?? — 19??. British Planter in Sri Lanka. In 1913 book his address was Scarborough Estate, Maskeliya, Ceylon and historyofceylontea.com on Sc. Estate tells rear he was Assistant Manager there in 1909-12.

A likely candidate is found in thepeerage.com: John Pole (11.4.1848 — 1913), son of Rev. Edward De La Pole and Mary Anne Chapman, married Charlotte Pargiter (d. 1896), four daughters and two sons. His brother Reginald was a judge of Ceylon Civil Service, but we are not told, what he himself did and whether he was even in Sri Lanka. Fortunately, Ceylon Govt. Gazette (online) on 2.2.1914 mentions him as recently dead and among his heirs Charlotte Fanny Pole.

Publications: “A few Remarks on Prehistoric Stones in Ceylon”, JRAS-CB19:58, 1907, 272-278; also wrote on scale insects.

– Ceylon Stone Implements. 42 p. 5 pl. Calcutta 1913.

Sources: Nothing further found.

Last Updated on 6 months by Admin


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