KRASNODEMBSKIJ, Valerij Evgen’evič. Kagul, Moldova 2.12.(15.12.)1907 — Penza 16.5.1942. Russian Indologist. Son of a lawyer. After studies at Odessa worked in Tashkent. From 1926 studied Indology at Leningrad. Graduated 1930 from Leningradskij Vostočnyj Institut. Docent 1935. In 1932-38 taught at Leningradskij Vostočnyj Institut and in 1934-42 at Leningrad University. In 1933-37 naučnyj sotrudnik at Leningrad Inst. of Ethnography and in 1937-42 at Leningrad Oriental Institute, both of Soviet Academy of Sciences. Specialist in the Marathi language.
Publications: at least 10 publications, including:
– Maratsko–russkij i russko-maratskij slovar’. 127 p. Lg. 1935.
– With A. P. Barannikov & V. M. Beskrovnyj: Urdu-russkij slovar’. 843 p. M. 1951.
– “Induizm”, Ežegodnik Muzeja istorii religii i ateizma 1, M.-Lg. 1957, 263-281.
Sources: Miliband 1977, 1995; A.M. Rešetov, ÈO 1995:2, 157f. (in
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