RODRIGUEZ, Etienne Alexander

RODRIGUEZ, Etienne Alexander. 1??? — 1???. Anglo-Indian? Son of Captain Francis R. of the ship L’Esperance. Head Draftsman in the Survey Department, Madras.

Publications: The Hindoo pantheon, comprising the principal deities worshipped by the natives of British India: being a collection of coloured sketches representing the gods and goddesses, accompanied by a succinct history and descriptive of the idols recognised in Siva religion … including the sixty-four teruvelliadels or sacred amusements of Siva. 3+217 p. 140 pl. Madras 1841-45 (apparently Moor’s text with hand-coloured lithographed plates).

– The Hindoo castes: the history of the Braminical castes, containing a minute description of the origin … customs, etc. of the forty-two sects of Bramins of the British Indian Empire. 1. 5+104 p. 12 pl. Madras 1846 (perhaps earlier ed. around 1840?).

– The religion of Vishnoo: the history of the most remarkable events of the ten avatars or incarnations of Vishnoo, the preserving power of India, with commentaries, reflections and suppositions, on the spiritual, prophetical, and political character of the events in regard to the past, present, and future dispensations of the Almighty, relative to the destiny of Hindoostan, most remarkably fulfilled, and corresponding in most instances with the Holy Bible: the political events fulfilled in the Vamana Avatar, pointed out as bearing particular reference to the wonderful exploits, successes, and domination of Great Britain, also the solemn events of the end of time, and concluding with a summary, and address to the Vishnoovas. 6+92 p. 12 pl. Madras 1849.

Sources: Nothing found in Internet beyond the book titles; father named on the title page of Hindoo Castes.

Last Updated on 4 months by Admin


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