ROSSET, Carl Wilhelm

ROSSET, Carl Wilhelm. Freiburg i. Br. 24.4.1851 — Duderstadt 18.6.1923. German Merchant, Adventurer and Collector. In 1874-76 travelled in Africa, in 1881 in the Near East. In 1881 also participated in Riebeck expedition to Socotra, 1884 to Ceylon. In 1885 he spent two months in the Maldives, stayed in Malé and took the very first photographs of the islanders. Later again visited Africa.

Publications: “On the Maldive Islands, More Especially Treating of Málé Atol”, JRAnthrInst 16, 1887, 164-174.

Sources: *S. Capdeville, Kaufleute – Abenteurer – Sammler – Die Brüder Carl Friedrich und Carl Wilhelm Rosset und die ethnographische Wissensproduktion in Freiburg, 1867-1895. 2017;; Wikidata.

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