KUDRJAVCEV, Mihail Konstantinovič

KUDRJAVCEV, Mihail Konstantinovič. Orenburg 31.12.1910 (11.1.1911) — 4.3.1992. Russian Ethnographist of South Asia. Son of official. In 1929-32 studied at Leningrad Topographical Technical School and worked then as topographer in Yakutia. Soon became interested in ethnography and graduated 1939 from Leningrad University (Historical Faculty). Participated in the WW II in 1941-45 in technical forces of Red Army. Kand. ist. nauk 1952. Dr. ist. nauk 1972. From 1948 naučnyj sotrudnik at Leningrad Inst. ètnografii of Academy of Sciences, 1969 staršij n. sotrudnik. Four times in India, also fieldwork. An additional interest was social history of ancient and medieval India. He knew Hindi, Urdu and Marathi.

Publications: Kand.diss. Proishoždenie musul’manskogo naselenija Indii. Manuscript 1952.

In Narody Južnoj Azii. M. 1963: “Geografičeskij očerk stran Južnoj Azii”, 11-21; “Hindijazyčnye narody”, 237-279; “Radžastancy”, 300-317; “Pandžabcy”, 318-342; “Narody Džammu i Kašmira”, 343-371; “Narody zapadnogo Pandžaba”, 706-715; “Sindhi”, 716-730; “Malye narody Gindukuša”, 779-782; “Narody Nepala”, 785-816.

Obščina i kasta v Hindustane. 283 p. M. 1971 (accepted as Dr.diss.); Kastovaja sistema v Indii. 264 p. M. 1992; articles.

Sources: Miliband 1995; bibliography 1950-86 in Vostok 1991/3, 206; Wikipedia with some further references.

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