KUDRJAVSKIJ, Dmitrij Nikolaevič

KUDRJAVSKIJ, Dmitrij Nikolaevič. St.Petersburg 25.10.(6.11.)1867 — 9.11.1920. Russian Indologist. Professor in Jur’ev (Tartu). Educated in St.Petersburg (6th Gymnasium). From 1885 studies of Slavic, IE and Indology at St.Petersburg (i.al. under Minaev). Magister 1891. From 1892 taught classical languages at 10th Gymnasium in St.Petersburg. In 1894-95 further studies at Jena under Delbrück. From 1895 PD at St.Petersburg. From 1898 L. Meier’s successor as eo. Professor of German and comparative grammar at Jur’jev (former Dorpat, during the russification period). Taught Sanskrit, too. During the war moved with the University to Voronež and taught there until his death.

Kudrjavskij was little known outside Russia. He wrote textbooks in Russian and studied on gṛhya texts. Beside Sanskrit he knew well Pāli. He was also interested in ethnological comparativism.

Publications: Kak  žili ljudi v starinu. Očerki pervobytnoi kul’tury. 136 p. p. M. 1894.

– “Suffiks ablativi singularis v indoevropejskih jazykah”, Ž.M.N.Pr. 1896:4; “Priem početnogo gostja po drevne-indijskim pravilam domašnjago rituala”, ibid. 1896:5, 35 p.; “Grihja-sutry, kak istočnik dlja istorii indoevropejskoj bytovoj kul’tury”, Živaja starina 1896, 85-134; “Četyre stadii v žizni drevnego Indusa. Aktovaja reč’”, Uč. Zapiski Jur’evsk. Univ. 1900, 23 p.

Kratkij učebnik latinskago jazyka v ob’eme programmy fel’dšerskih škol’. 48 p. 1901.

Načal’nyj kurs sanskritskago jazyka. Jur’ev 1903, new ed. 173 p. Jur’ev 1917.

Issledovanija v oblasti drevneindijskih domaščnik obrjadov. 252 p. Jur’ev 1904 (mag.diss.).

Psihologija i jazykoznanija. 86 p. St.Petersburg 1905.

Translated: “Hitopadeša. Dobroe nastavlenie. Sbornik drevneindijskih rasskazov sostavlenyj Narajanoj”, 135 p. = Uč. Zapiski Jur’evsk. Univ. 16, 1908. 1-80 & 17, 1909, 81-135.

Vvedenie v jazykoznanie. 2. 130 p. Jur’ev 1913.

Sources: Biogr. slovar’ … Jur’jev. 1902, 587f.; Hallik & Klaassen 2002, 139-143; *E. Kelih: Glottometrics 8, 2004, 79-89 summarized in www.glottopedia.org; *S.V. Smirnov, “Iz istorii jazykoznanija. Dmitrij Nikolaevič Kudrjavskij (1867-1920)”, Russkaja reč’ 3, 1971, 137-145; briefly mentioned by Roerich, JGIS 12, 1945, 80 and in Bongard-Levin & Vigasin 1984, 104; *Vigasin 2008, 195f. with photo; Russian Vikipedija with photo; small photo also in Tartu ülikooli ajalugu. 2. Tallinn 1982, among the pictures following p. 304.

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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