KÜMMEL, Auguste

KÜMMEL, Auguste Viktoria (née Bender). Erlangen 1906 — 1998. German Student of Indology. Daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Bender and Friedericke Therese Schmidt. Ph.D. 1940 Greifswald. Married 1935 theologian Werner Georg Kümmel (1905–1995), three daughters and two sons.

Publications: Diss. Maheśvara’s Śabdabhedaprakāśa mit dem Kommentar des Jñāna­vimala­gaṇi. 23+397 p. Sammlung Orientalistischer Arbeiten 4. Lp. 1940 (text edition).

Sources: Janert; www.myheritage.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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