KÜTTLER, Edmund Martin. Jemnice 7.11.1884 — Austria 1964. Austrian (Moravian) Linguist and Ethnologist in Czechoslovakia, began his career with Indology. Gymnasium in Brno, studies at Vienna. Ph.D. 1910 Vienna (L. von Schroeder). In 1907-08 in Caucasia and 1912 in Armenia. In 1911-12 further studies of Indology and ethnology in Berlin, then further studies at Vienna (Strzygowski) and 1914-15 Graz (Meringer). From 1915 worked at Institut für Kulturforschung in Vienna. From 1927 taught Persian and Turkish at Mazaryk University in Brno, also worked as ehnologist in local museum. During Nazi regime Director of Mährisches Landesmuseum. After war moved to Austria. Married Maria Rosalia Reh, one son and one daughter.

Publications: Diss. Ein Beitrag zur Erklärung der beiden Vedalieder à. V. X. 27 und X. 28. Manuscript, Vienna 1910; publications not related with South Asia.

Sources: Diss. in Janert; http://encyklopedie.brna.cz/home-mmb/?acc=profil_osobnosti&load=14404 (in Czech); short obituary in Sudetenpost 27.3.1964 (www.sudetenpost.eu/Archiv/1964/6.pdf).

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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