SCHLAGINHAUFEN, Otto. St.Gallen 8.11.1879 — Kilchberg, Canton Zürich 14.11.1973. Swiss Anthropologist and Eugenicist. Son of merchant Daniel Otto Schl. and Emma Baumann, gymnasium in Bern. In 1899-1904 studied anthropology at Zürich. Ph.D. 1905. In 1906-11 worked as anthropologist in Dresden Museum of Zoology and Anthropology. In 1907-10 fieldwork in the Pacific. From 1911 ao. Professor of Anthropology at Zürich, ord. 1917. Emeritus 1950. Married 1911 Johanna Futterer (née Wild).
Publications: Wide, wholly antiquated output, full of racial ideas. With South Asia he dealt e.g. in: “Zur Morphologie der Palma und Planta der Vorderinder und Ceyloner”, ZfEthnol. 38, 1906, 656-706.
Sources: *Chr. Keller, Der Schädelvermesser. Otto Schl. — Anthropologe und Rassenhygieniker. Eine biographische Reportage. 299 p. Zürich 1995 & Hist. Lex. Schweiz; *U.P. Weilenmann, Der Anthropologe Otto Schl., 1879–1973. Zürich 1990; German Wikipedia with photo.
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