KOŁAKOWSKI, Ignacy (Belarus Ignat Grigoravič Kulakoŭski). Janaŭščyna, Lithuanian gub. 6.2.1800 — Białystok 31.5.1860. Polish (Belarusian) Poet and Translator. Roman Catholic. From 1816 studies at the new Warsaw University. From 1823 worked as teacher, school director and librarian in Grodno. From 1840 Curator and 1844 Director of gymnasium in Białystok. He had also himself some knowledge of Sanskrit, though he certainly also used Chézy’s French.

Publications: Polish metric translation of the Yajñadattavadha publ. in his Zabawki wierszem. 3. Grodno 1828, 1-34.

– Other translations, poems and writings, mainly in journals.

Sources: L. Sudyka, “Translations and adaptations of Rāmāyaṇa in Polish”, G. Pollet (ed.), Indian Epic Values. Rāmāyaṇa and its Impact. Proc. of the 8th Intern. Rāmāyaṇa Conf., Leuven, 6–8 July 1991. Or. Lov. An. 66. Leuven 1995, 89ff. (89f. on I.K.); Russian Vikipedija with portrait.

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