SCHLEGEL, Gustaaf. Oegstgeest near Leiden 30.9.1840 — Leiden 15.10.1903. Dutch Sinologist. Son of museum director Hermann Schlegel (1804–1884), a German zoologist who had moved to the Netherlands in 1827, and Cornelia Buddingh. Gymnasium in Leiden. After early studies of Chinese at hole he went in 1857 to China in order to collect bird specimens, but soon interested in languages (Fuzhou and Cantonese). Thus Wikipedia, but Cordier states that he went there in order to become an interpreter. From 1862 interpreter for the supreme court in Batavia (Jakarta) and began writing. Ph.D. 1869 Jena. In 1872 returned to the Netherlands because of illness. Now he began teaching Chinese, from 1875 as eo. Professor at Leiden (ord. 1877), retired 1902. Married 1878 Catharina Elisabeth Gezina Buddingh (1857–1897), no children, divorce 1890. Last years seriously affected by diabetes, finally blind.
Schlegel was a Sinologist interested in language, history and culture. He compiled a Dutch-Chinese dictionary (1886-90) and wrote much about historical geography. He was known as a sharp critic. Together with Cordier he founded the journal T’oung Pao.
Publications: Thian Ti Hwui. The Hung-league or Heaven-Earth-League. A Secret Society with the Chinese in China and India. 40+253 p. Batavia 1866.
– Diss. Chinesische Bräuche und Spiele in Europa. 32 p. Jena1869; Sino-Aryaca. 1872.
– “Geographical Notes”, TP 9, 1898, 177-200, 273-292 & 10, 1899, 33-52, 155-163, 247-306, 470-478 (on South and South-East Asian place names in Chinese texts).– “The Secret of the Chinese Method of Transcribing Foreign Sounds”, TP N.S. 1, 1900, 1-32, 93-124, 188, 219-253 (mainly Sanskrit); “On Some Unidentified Chinese Transcriptions of Indian Words”, TP N.S. 1, 1900, 327-333; “Les termes bouddhiques, 孟蘭盆 et 孟藍婆”, TP N.S. 2, 1901, 146-148 (Yü-lan-pun festival).
– Siamese Studies. 8+128 p. TP 2 Suppl. Leiden 1901; Sinological works.
Sources: J.L. Blussé, Biogr. Woordenboek van Nederland 3, 1989 with photo (online); H. Cordier, TP N.S. 4, 1903, 407-415, with photo; Wikipedia with porttait.
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