LACROIX, Alphonse François

LACROIX, Alphonse François. Lignières, Canton Neuchâtel 10.5.1799 — Calcutta 3.7.1859. Swiss Missionary and Bengali Scholar in India. Grew up with his uncle, educated in Zürich and Neuchâtel. In 1816 moved to Amsterdam as a tutor and soon became interested in mission. Accepted as agent of the Netherlands Missionary Society at Chinsura (then in Dutch possession), he arrived there in 1821. When Chinsura became British in 1825 he became British subject and member of London Missionary Society. In 1827 moved to Calcutta and “Initiated religious Missions in the delta of the Ganges, in the Sundarbans, in the Sagar island. A scholar in Bengali. Founded Bhawanipur Missionary Institution, 1851. Revised the Bengali version of the Scriptures and trained native preachers.” Married 1825 Hannah Herklots, several children.

Publications: Voyage du missionnaire A.F. Lacroix au temple de Jogonnath. Traduit de l’anglais et précédé d’une notice sur ce missionaire par William Pétavel. 2nde éd. revue et augmentée. 87 p. 1 pl. Neuchâtel 1851.
– J. Mullens (his son-in-law): Brief Memorials of the Rev. Alphonse François Lacroix, missionary of the London Missionary Society in Calcutta. 12+483 p. L. 1862.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; S.P.O[liver], D.N.B. 31, 1892, 372; W. Pétavel (above); Wikipedia with two portraits.

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