SIEGLIN, Wilhelm

SIEGLIN, Wilhelm. Stuttgart 19.4.1855 — Bad Hofgastein, Austria 9.7.1935. German Historian, specialist of Historical Geography. Son of pharmacist Ernst Sieglin (1814–1855) and Mathilde Staub (1832–1895), educated in Stuttgart. From 1873 studies of classics and history at Tübingen, Leipzig, Berlin and Greifswald. Ph.D. 1878 Leipzig. From 1880 Assistant Librarian, 1888 Kustos in Leipzig University Library. From 1898 ao. Professor für Historische Geographie (without habilitation), soon (1899) ord. at Berlin. Retired in 1914 because of health problems, in retirement living in Regensburg and Munich. Married 1888 Gertrud Berner.

The book about hair colour, although published in Nazi times by a publisher close to the Nazis, was written 30 years earlier and thus has nothing to do with Nazi ideology (but nevertheless contains unacceptable conclusions). M. Kiessling was one of his students.

Publications: Diss. Die Chronologie der Belagerung von Sagunt. 38 p. Lp. 1878.

– Die blonden Haare der indogermanischen Völker des Altertums. Eine Sammlung der antiken Zeugnisse als Beitrag zur Indogermanenfrage. 151 p. Munich 1935.
– Much on classical geography.

Sources: *I. Hantsche, N.D.B. 24, 2010, 357f.;  German Wikipedia with photo.

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