SMART, Ninian

SMART,  Roderick Ninian. Cambridge 6.5.1927 — Lancaster 29.1.2001. British (Scottish) Scholar of Religion. Son of William Marchall Smart (1889–1975, from 1937 Regius Professor of Astronomy at Glasgow), and Isabel Carswell, educated in Glasgow. In 1945-48 served in army intelligence, one year in Sri Lanka. Then studied classics and philosophy at Oxford. D.Phil. 1954 Oxford. In 1952-55 Assistant Lecturer at University of Wales, then 1955-56 Visiting Lecturer at Yale. In 1956-61 Lecturer in History and Philosophy of Religion at University of London and. In 1961-67 at University of of Birmingham, from 1967 Professor of Religion at University of Lancaster. Beside Lancaster from 1976 also Professor at University of California at Santa Barbara. Retired 1989 from Lancaster and 1998 from Santa Barbara. In 1971-72 Visiting Professor at University of Otago in Dunedin, NZ. Married 1954 Libushka Baruffaldo (of Italy), four children.

Publications: Reasons and Faiths. An Investigation of Religious Discourse, Christian and Non-Christian. 211 p. L. 1958; A Dialogue of Religions. 142 p. L. 1960; altogether 30 books.

Doctrine and argument in Indian philosophy. L. 1964, 2nd rev. ed. 277 p. Indian thought 4. Leiden 1992.
The Yogi and the Devotee: The Interplay between the Upanishads and Catholic Theology. 174 p. L. 1968.
– The Phenomenon of Religion. 157 p. L. 1973; The World’s Religions. 576 p. Cambridge 1989; articles in Religion and other journals, book chapters, reviews, etc.

Sources: *Aspects of religion: essays in honour of N.S. 417 p. Toronto Studies in Religion 18. Bern 1994; *L.Ph. Barnes, “Ninian Smart and the Phenomenological Approach to Religious Education”, Religion 30, 2000, 315-332; Adrian Cunningham, Religion 31, 2001, 325-326; *24 other short tributes on him in this issue 4; Saryčev 1974; J.J. Shepherd, “The Ninian Smart Archive and Bibliography”, Religion 35, 2005, 167-197; *Wikipedia, long article with photo.

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