SMITH, Henry Goodwin

SMITH, Henry Goodwin. New York City 8.1.1860 — Goshen, Hampshire County, MA 7.8.1940. Rev. U.S. Theologian. Son of Henry Bounton Smith (1815–1877), also a Theologian, and Elizabeth Lee Allen (1817–1898). Graduated 1881 from Amherst College. M.A. 1884 Union Theological Seminary. D.D. 1897 Wabash and Maryville. Presbyterian Pastor in Freehold, NJ, 1897-1903 Professor of Systematic Theology at Lane Theological Seminary. Married 1891 Helen Randolph Forman (1869–1952), two daughters and two sons.

Publications: Wrote on Christian Theology, philosophy, etc.

– “The Ahuna Vairya”, Archiv für Rel.wiss. 6, 1903, 233-243.

Sources: Who’s Who in Am. 1900; with two photos;  Wikipedia briefly;

Last Updated on 4 months by Admin


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