LE BERRE, Marc. 1904 — 1978. French Archaeologist. From 1930 worked in Syria. He had already collaborated with Schlumberger at Syrian excavations in 1936 and 1938 and in 1946–69 he was the architect of D.A.F.A. in Afghanistan and remained in Kabul until 1970. He left an important collection of photographs, presented in 2003 to Institut d’Études Indiennes by his son. Married.

Publications: With B. Dagens & D. Schlumberger: Monuments préislamiques d’Afghanistan. 104 p. 45 pl. M.D.A.F.A. 19. Paris 1964.

– With G. Fussman: Monuments bouddhiques de la région de Caboul. 1. Le monastère de Gul Dara. 10+110 p. 51 pl. M.D.A.F.A. 22. P. 1976.

With D. Schlumberger & G. Fussman: Surkh Kotal en Bactriane. 1. Les Temples: architecture, sculpture, inscriptions. 1-2. 160 p. 72+61 pl. M.D.A.F.A. 25. P. 1983.

Monuments pré-islamiques de l’Hindukush central. 130 p. M.D.A.F.A. P. 1987.

A few articles.

Sources: A few scattered notes in F. Olivier-Utard, Politique et archéologie. 1997; www.college-de-france.fr/media/lettre-du-college-de-france/UPL21860_J11FUSSMAN.pdf.

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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