TIHANY, Leslie C.

TIHANY, Leslie Charles. Hungary 28.12.1911 — 1997. Hungarian Linguist and Historian in the U.S.A. Son of Béla Tihany and Katalin Báródy. Came to the U.S.A. in 1930, naturalized 1940. Studied at Franklin and Marshall College (B.Sc. 1931), Northwestern University (M.A. 1933, Ph.D. 1936), then at Harvard (M.A. 1938) and University of Chicago (Ph.D. 1943). Further studies at Helsinki. In 1943 joined Foreign Service as foreign affairs specialist, in 1956-57 Consul in Salzburg, 1957-59 in Bombay. Then in various diplomatic posts i.al. in Beirut and Saigon, 1969-72 Consul General in Antwerp. In 1972-76 Distinguished professor of Humanities and Social Science at Northern Kentucky University, then emeritus. Married 1936 Elizabeth Derricott and 1959 Maria Dekom, two sons, one daughter.

Publications: Much on Hungarian and on European history.

– “Sanskrit coráyati, Hungarian csór-”, Language 16, 1940, 151-153.

Sources: prabook.com.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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