TROST, Paul/Pavel

TROST, Paul/Pavel. Šternberg, Moravia 3.10.1907 — Prague 6.1.1987. Czech IE, Slavic and German Linguist. Son of engineer Karl and Paula Trost, a Catholic family. Professor in Prague. Gymnasium in Brno, studies of IE and general, Romance, Germanic and Slavic linguistics at Prague German University in 1928-34. Ph.D. 1934 Prague, under Fr. Slotty. In 1938-44 Librarian at Brno University Library, 1945-52 Lecturer in German at Brno, also taught at Olomouc. PD 1949 Olomouc, 1951-56 taught there as Docent general linguistics and in 1956-61 at Prague. From 1961 Professor of IE Linguistics and Baltic Philology, emeritus 1975. Married Helena Šmahelová(-Trostová), an author and Ph.D.

Publications: Diss. Indogermanisches Worttabu. Manuscript of 184 p. 1934.

– “Alten- und Krankentötung als Sitte bei indogermanischen Volken”, W&S 17, 1936, 1-57.

– “Ai. aw. strī ‘Weib’”, Idg. Fo. 3, 1938, 197f.

– Hab.diss. K teorii vlastního jména. Manuscript 1949 (on the theory of personal names).

– Almost 500 articles (the majority in Czech, some in German); Studie o jazycích a literatuře. Prague 1995 (with bibliography).

Sources: J. Povejšil, Internationales Germanistenlexikon 1800-1950. 1. B. 2003, 1907 (online version in Google); bibliography in

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